vendredi 30 septembre 2011

Slowly back to a healthier life style

After a long, long time taking up weight and losing muscle mass, it seems I finally got into a stable routine for exercising. Routine is the keyword for me: I don't mind doing regular efforts, as long as I don't have to think about it. Jogging (alone, please !) is also great for thinking. I decided to drop listening to music and tried to use this time for thinking about some of the stuff I cannot manage during work time. Yes: I cannot "work" during work time. At least not on the stuff I like. Not on the stuff I studied for years. Not on the stuff I embraced this career for. Academy these days seems to be all about numbers: grant money, h-index, number of papers, citations... I kinda lost taste for my own job. So thanks to jogging, I lost weight and recovered some quality intellectual time.